Where can I find my REST API key and how do I use it?

Where can I find my REST API key and how do I use it?

Your REST API key can be generated on the Change Password screen under Admin. You can generate a new API key from here any time if you think your API key may have been compromised.

Screen Shot 2015-03-09 at 12.35.41

To use your API key you need to concatenate your username and API key with a ‘:’ separator and then base-64 encode it. There are many libraries that can do the base-64 encoding depending on the language you are using or you can use a site like https://www.base64encode.org/ for a one off conversion.

For example if the username=mickmcg and API key=131fdf9e8246952e66153ca640685bada53d3988 then you would base64 encode mickmcg:131fdf9e8246952e66153ca640685bada53d3988 which results in bWlja21jZzoxMzFmZGY5ZTgyNDY5NTJlNjYxNTNjYTY0MDY4NWJhZGE1M2QzOTg4

That string is then passed as and Authorization header in the HTTP request to the REST API like this:

Authorization: Basic bWlja21jZzoxMzFmZGY5ZTgyNDY5NTJlNjYxNTNjYTY0MDY4NWJhZGE1M2QzOTg4



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