Installing WebTuna real user monitoring for Atlassian Confluence
If you are using Confluence from Atlassian for team collaboration and need to monitor the real end user experience that is being delivered to all of your end users then WebTuna can be easily setup to track the performance of every page view.
Installation Steps for Confluence
- On the Confluence server download webtuna.js from https://www.webtuna.com/webtuna.js into confluence/includes/js directory
- Login to Confluence as an administrator and navigate to: Look and Feel | Custom HTML
Login as Admin and Click on Custom HTML
- Copy the HEAD and BODY code from here (you will need to modify the BODY code to look for webtuna.js in /includes/js if you copied it there as described in step1)
- Enter the code into the Custom HTML boxes as shown below:
Add the code to HEAD and end of BODY sections